Sunday, January 26, 2014

Retention of Awesomeness

For me, one of the joys of parenting has been finding things that I loved as a kid that my son also loves today. Some things just work. And kids of multiple generations can agree that they're awesome.

Not everything is like this. There are many fads from my childhood that just don't cut it anymore. In fact, looking back on them, you have to wonder how they seemed like a good idea to any generation. Here are a few examples of fads that have gone the way of the Dodo.

Things that did Not Remain Awesome Were Never Awesome

This was a game that encouraged young children to hoard worthless pieces of cardboard. Neat.

Do they still haunt your dreams?

                                                           Tickle Me Elmo

                                                           Dragon Ball Z
If you still like this show, please stop reading. I don't want to hold you up while you're getting ready for your hot date. Heh.

Yes, it was a dark time in many ways. Will Smith thought he was a rapper and "every man did what was right in his own eyes." Chaos reigned.

Awesomeness that Abides

Fortunately, some things were awesome in spite of the darkness of those days. Some things have been awesome forever and will continue to be awesome as long as the sun shines. In those things, my son and I can find common ground. Those things are...

Star Wars
You knew it had to be first. It will always be first. Honestly, I don't know who likes these movies more, me or my son. And I'm not talking about the newer films or the slew of cartoons that followed. The original, simple, awesome movies. I showed Episode IV to Jono and he was pretending to be a droid before Darth Vader even captured Princess Leia.

Speaking of Leia, I don't know who Lucas originally planned to cast in that role, but if that's her picture in this early artwork, he obviously changed his mind. Carrie Fisher never looked that cool. Also, Mark Hamill never had those abs.

Super Mario Brothers
When I was a kid, Mario looked like this:

Now he looks more like this:

But the basic awesomeness is the same. Jono and I could play Mario together for hours if left unattended. Please pray that we won't be unattended all that often.

Pretending the Floor is Lava
We all did this as kids, right? And kids are still doing it today.
The trick is to use the couch cushions as little islands.
Never forget that.

Poop Jokes
Deny it if you want, but these are still hilarious.

This is fun for the whole family. (Bright red Crocs optional.)

Camping Indoors

Camping Outdoors

And last, but certainly not least...

Always! Forever! In every reincarnation, Batman is the coolest. Before there was Chuck Norris, there was The Batman. Seriously, Batman retains a level of coolness that cannot be destroyed no matter how many Ben Afflecks threaten to portray the character. Batman is unstoppable! In every animated and live-action manifestation, Batman oozes coolness. My son knows this. I know it. It's about time you people knew it, too.

Come to think of it, I'm going to wrap this post up with a Batman montage. You don't even have to thank me. Because, good people of Gotham, a hero doesn't ask to be thanked.

But still. You're welcome.

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