Thursday, January 16, 2014

Geography Lesson

Throughout the school year, my son has been learning about different countries and their cultures. I think it's great. I've always loved learning about other places and people. It's been fun to see (a) what his teacher decides to tell the class, (2) which parts of that lesson Jono retains, and (D) how he describes it.
I usually try to entertain, but today’s blog post is purely educational. And so, here are a few things Jono would like you to know about the world at large.

[Bracketed comments are my own and are far less important.]

Peru is a country that has llamas. You have to be careful around llamas because they’re like camels and they spit.
[Jono failed to mention the vast, historic empire of the Incas and the majestic archaeological remains of their civilization, some of which can be found at Machu Picchu. Llama spit is important, too. I’m just saying.]

In Mexico, people like to hit piƱatas until candy comes out.
[Mexico also has a rich history and interesting culture. But sure.]

In England, the queen is named “Elizabeth.” They call cookies “biscuits.”
[This is completely accurate and I have nothing to add.]

There’s lots of snow in Alaska. Eskimos live there and so do Moose.
[Some people are offended by the term “Eskimo.” But people can’t seem to agree on a politically-correct term that covers all the indigenous people in the region, so I’ll allow it.]

[Moose are great. I have some on my favorite pajama pants.] 

[I know Alaska isn't a country. I’m not sure if Jono does. We’ll work on that.]


Italy has something like the Eiffel Tower except it's round.

[I have no idea.]

The Netherlands
People who live there wear wooden shoes called “CLOMPERS!”
[The Netherlands is a conglomeration of various historical states with a complicated history full of political and geographical changes. They have hilarious shoes.]

If you enjoyed this lesson and would like to learn more about various cultures, please consider babysitting my kid some Saturday evening.

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